my favorite language

How do you move forward from this facade that you've been living by for the past years? How do you manage to leave it all behind and start fresh. Is it possible, and are we strong enough to succeed? Are we strong enough to follow our own hearts.. Just to find a peaceful state of mind and then finally, once for all, forget about all those unnecessary things that are just eating you up inside. I just want to get rid of all these nagging thoughts that makes me go crazy. I'm tired of keeping it all inside of me, it's like I'm having an battle within me everyday. A battle between me and myself. It only shows on the inside, but I feel like I've reached a point where I'm just so sick of keeping it all within my self. I'm so fed up with not being allowed to express my feelings and not being allowed to speak up when I want to - and instead just keep quiet for your sake. You benefit, but for me it's only getting worse. I feel like I can explode any second. You brought me to this point. And now I have to take myself out of here and move on. And just forget about the things that isn't worth thinking about twice.

What I wonder now is, how do you know when you're completly satisfied and happy with life and your surroundings? Or is that feeling forever unreachable?
/ L

Good times


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