Thoughts, all these thoughts.

The dark closes every bad thing out.
All those thoughts that are nagging
in your head, just disappear.
You find peace, but only for a moment.
When the light comes back on, it all
comes back to you. And you realize
that it's only one big circle of..
lonelyness, tears and depression.

It should be the other way around.
Light brings joy and happiness, and
the dark sometimes make you feel alone.
But not in this case, in the dark and behind
closed doors I can think and breathe.
Out there, where the light shine..
I have to put a smile on your face
and pretend like everything is OK.

You have to please everyone and
while you're busy doing that.. There's
no time for you to feel proud of your self.
Your confident breaks time after time,
beacuse you failed at pleasing everyone.
So after a while you just really want to
quit everything and just run away..
And then.. Who knows. Maybe you'll
never return to this exact same place.


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